Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Discrimination By John Rawls And The Black Veil Of Ignorance

Discrimination has been an ongoing social issue throughout history and is still a concern today. To help eliminate this social issue, John Rawls offer a resolution on how to deal with discrimination. Rawls fails to address how to prevent biased individuals from interacting with political institutions that have been designed to be equal for everyone, therefore, making his theory unable to provide guidance to policymakers or citizens on how to eradicate discrimination. Rawls theory is known as the original position. He proposes that if we were in a position where we had to design a set of social, political and economic institutions from scratch, what kind of society would we have reason to want? (D’Arcy 2016, Lecture 2). Even though Rawls does not discuss discrimination and injustice head on, he briefly mentions a well-ordered society wouldn’t run into this social harm if they were to distribute fundamental rights, liberties and social goods behind a veil of ignorance. Rawls message ‘behind the veil of ignorance’ is he wants us to worry most about â€Å"the least advantaged† so he designs the original position in such a way that we imagine that the least advantaged could be us (D’Arcy 2016, Lecture 1 and 2). In the original position, Rawls stipulates when designing a fair society, we should be impartial to one’s own race, gender, etc. and consider everyone equal when determining basic political, soci al and economic institutions (D’Arcy 2016, Lecture 2). His idea assumesShow MoreRelatedCase Analysis : Plainfield Healthcare Center Essay1455 Words   |  6 PagesB. Introduction to the case The case is about Plainfield Healthcare Center, is a nursing home in Indiana that cares for an elderly women with frail health. The center has a black certified nurse name Brenda Chaney who works diligently every single day for her assigned patients. All nurse in the center have a duty to keep records of the patients’ conditions and any special request from them. In accordance with the Indiana state law where the nursing home has to accommodate any patient who had decidedRead MoreLiberty in the History of America Essay2150 Words   |  9 Pagesforward over a hundred years later, and John Rawls lived in a time were the conversation on equality and justice were major political issues. Rawls proposed a brand new way of looking at concepts of equality and justice and how to define them. The idea of liberty has played a significant role throughout the history of America, however how it is defined and what its implications are have changed from the Puritans, to Tocqueville and fina lly with John Rawls. The Puritans came to the New World in theRead Moreethical decision making16006 Words   |  65 Pagesthe greatest good (happiness) for the greatest number. A corollary to this notion would be that the best action is the one that causes the least harm to the fewest people. The philosopher cited most frequently as a proponent of utilitarianism is John Stuart Mill (1806–1873). To a utilitarian, the important thing is not so much your good will toward others, but rather the consequences that result from your action. (Utilitarianism is also known as consequentialism.) Determining which action toRead MoreThe Stakeholder Theory11680 Words   |  47 Pagesinput-output perspective is highlighted by the con- 68 Academy of Management Review January trasting models displayed in Figures 1 and 2. In Figure 1, investors, employees, and suppliers are depicted as contributing inputs, which the black box of the firm transforms into outputs for the benefit of customers. To be sure, each contributor of inputs expects to receive appropriate compensation, but the liberal economics, or Adam Smith interpretation, of this model in long-run equilibrium

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