Sunday, October 6, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example However, eating disorders are caused by many factors, both social and cultural factors. With the increases of eating disorders among students the awareness campaign has been extended to schools. This paper will look at the possible causes of eating disorders. It will also look at the treatments of these disorders. Stewart, G. (2000). Teens with eating disorders. San Diego: Lucent books. Eating disorders among teenagers are mainly caused by psychological issues. Teenagers are easily disappointed or depressed with occurrences in their lives. In most cases they tend to eat a lot to drown their sorrows (Stewart, 2000). This scenario is rampant to male students. At young age depression could be cause a lot of harm in teenagers. With eating a lot many affected individuals feel more occupied thus they have less time to think about their problems. At first it is not of concern since the feeding is under the control of the student’s mind (Stewart, 2000). However, with time the student loses control and it slowly turns into an eating disorder. Swain, P. (2006). New developments in eating disorder research. New York: Nova publishers. Swain (2006) says that there is not a single cause for eating disorder. She suggests that most cases of eating disorder are caused by concern over weight and body shape. In female students, the issue of weight brings a lot of concern to them. Some of them may turn to dieting as a way of watching their weight. In many scenarios these individuals acquire the eating disorder whereby they cannot feed. They get a king of psychological disgust every time they think of feeding (Swain, 2006). The author relates the same occurrences regarding the issue of acquiring a certain body shape. Herrin, M. & Matsumoto, N. (2006). The parent’s guide to eating disorders. California: Gurze books. The two authors bring up the factor of genetic background. For example, if one identical twin has anorexia the probability of the other twin to have the di sorder is at about 80% (Herrin & Matsumoto, 2006). This is because they have in them the genes of the eating disorder. In other scenarios some individuals inherit the eating disorders. LeGrange, D. & Lock, J. (2011). Eating disorders in children and adolescents: A clinical handbook. London: Guilford Press. Another genetic factor is the hormonal influence. Some brain chemicals create a possibility of having an eating disorder. According to LeGrange & Lock (2011) individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa have high levels of vasopressin and cortistol hormones. The hormones are released after any occurrence of emotional or physical stress. The hormones are found to cause eating disorders in a number of people. Goodman, L. & Villapiano, M. (2001).eating disorders: A journey to recovery Handbook. New York: Psychology Press. Sociological factors also have a great role to play in the cause of eating disorders. We live in a society which perceive being fat as a disability. In every street corner, on radio, on television and on the internet there is always that negative perception of being fat. To adolescent this causes a lot of worry to them. In order to be fit in these societies they tend do anything possible not to become fat (Goodman & Villapiano, 2001). It is at this point that eating disorders like bulimia occur. According to the authors peer pressure also plays its negative role to cause these disorders. Teenager especially students tend to try and fit in the social

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